(978) 844-6809

Commuter Shuttles

Call Dispatch (978) 844-6809 Request a Ride Online (Acton Services)
Our centralized Dispatch is available Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm to answer any and all service related questions.

Get to and from work and local MBTA Commuter Rail Stations aboard the Cross Acton Transit (CAT), MinuteVan Rail Shuttle 
and Maynard-Acton Commuter Shuttle

The CAT is Back in Service!

Cross-Acton Transit (The CAT) is an hourly fixed-route bus service in Acton that links residential areas, businesses, and the South Acton MBTA Commuter Rail Station together.
Visit the MBTA Commuter Rail South Acton Station Webpage Download the CAT Schedule

Cross Acton Transit (CAT)

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday thru Friday

    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    Currently FREE

Acton Rail Shuttle

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday thru Friday

    6:45 AM - 9:25 AM

    5:10 PM - 7:30 PM

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • Where Can I Go?

    Service Stops:

    • West Acton Fire Station, 258 Central Street
    • Mt. Calvary Church, 472 Massachusetts Ave (the lot entrance is on Prospect St.) 
    • Donelan's
    • Great Roads Condos
    • Avalon Drive
    • Sachem Way
    • Nagog Woods
    • MBTA Commuter Rail Station in South Acton

    For a full list, please download the Rail Shuttle Schedule.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    Walk on for $1.00 or purchase shuttle passes in advance. To purchase the any of the passes below, please download the Order Form (found on page 2 of the PDF).

    Single Trip: $1.00

    Day Pass: $3.00*

    10-ride booklet: $10.00

    Monthly Pass: $40.00*

    Yearly Pass: $200.00

    Yearly Pass/Parking Sticker Combo: $250.00*

    *Includes Parking

  • Off-Site Parking Information
    • Participants must register and obtain a valid parking picker and bus pass.
    • Use the assigned spaces Monday thru Friday.
    • Spaces are reserved for commuters until 10AM. 
    • No overnight parking.
    • Display the parking sticker on the left side of the rear window. 
    • Hang-tags for day/month use must be displayed on the rear view mirror. 
    • Stickers and passes are not transferable and for use only by the registered participants and vehicles. 
    • Spaces are monitored by Acton Police.

    Failure to comply with all program guidelines may result in removal from the program. Violators are subject to fines, tickets, and/or towing. Download the Parking Permit Policy for full program guidelines.

The Acton Rail Shuttle (formerly known as the MinuteVan) connects off-site parking with peak hour trains at the South Acton MBTA Station. The program includes parking privileges for registered participants who follow the guidelines. Failure to comply with all program guidelines may result in removal from the program. Violators are subject to fines, tickets, and/or towing.
Download the Rail Shuttle Schedule Download the Parking Permit Registration Form Download the Parking Permit Policy Visit the MBTA Commuter Rail South Acton Station Webpage

Littleton – Westford Commuter Rail Shuttle

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday thru Friday

    7:10 AM - 9:15 AM

    4:40 PM - 6:38 PM

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • Where Can I Go?

    Service Stops:

    For a full list, please download the Littleton - Westford Rail Shuttle Schedule.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    One-Way Fares:

    • Adults: $1.25
    • Students (18 & younger): $0.60
    • Seniors (60 and older): $0.60
    • Persons with Disabilities (with Medicare, Statewide, or other proper ID): $0.60
    • Children (5 and under, with an adult): Free


    • Monthly Regular: $25.00
    • Monthly Elderly, Disabled, Veterans, Students: $20.00

    Where to purchase passes:

    • MART, 100 Main St, Fitchburg, MA
    • MART, 1427R Water St, Fitchburg, MA
    • Littleton Town Hall 
    • or from the bus driver
  • Park-n-Ride Commuter Lots

    Coming Soon!

    To aid commuters within the Littleton and Westford communities, IBM and Juniper Networks will be donating parking spaces onsite for riders of the

    Littleton – Westford Commuter Rail Shuttle. Commuters may park in designated stalls only. Any violator vehicles will be towed at owners expense. Please be follow all parking rules and regulations posted on nearby signage. More information to come.

Operated by MART
MART buses and shuttle vans, if equipped with a farebox or card validator, accept the CharlieCard™. This fare card is how we issue MART’s bus passes. Riders can also put cash stored-value on the card to use for single bus trips. CharlieCard™ stored-value lets you ride on MART and nine other RTA’s (such as WRTA in Worcester) or the MBTA bus/subway system. 
Download the Littleton - Westford Rail Shuttle Schedule Visit the MBTA Commuter Rail Littleton/Rte. 495 Station Webpage

Maynard – Acton Rail Shuttle

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday thru Friday

    6:10 AM - 8:35 AM

    4:45 PM - 7:41 PM

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • Where Can I Go?

    Service Stops:

    • Parker/Drummer
    • PSHQ
    • Maynard Golf
    • Downtown Maynard
    • Mill & Main
    • MBTA Commuter Rail Station in South Acton

    For a full list, please download the Maynard - Acton Rail Shuttle Schedule.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    $2 per trip (one way)

Shuttles loop to/from Maynard, Acton, and South Acton MBTA Commuter Rail Station, picking up and dropping off passengers at Parker/Drummer, PSHQ, Maynard Golf, downtown Maynard, Mill & Main.
Download the Maynard - Acton Rail Shuttle Schedule Visit the MBTA Commuter Rail South Acton Station Webpage
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