(978) 844-6809
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Contact Us

CrossTown Connect's Town Transportation

Call Dispatch (978) 844-6809 Request a Ride Online (Acton Services)
Our centralized Dispatch is available Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm to answer any and all service related questions.

Get information on daytime transportation services within the towns of CrossTown Connect. See below for information for the MinuteVan Dial-A-Ride and Cross Acton Transit (CAT) shuttle services.

Food Pantry/Market Basket (Littleton) shopping van

The Food Pantry is open Wednesdays and closed the 4th Wednesday every month.

Trips to Market Basket (Littleton) is on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Download the Schedule

The CAT is Back in Service!

Cross-Acton Transit (The CAT) is an hourly fixed-route bus service in Acton that links residential areas, businesses, and the South Acton Commuter Rail station together.
Download the CAT Schedule Download Reasonable Modification Requests

Cross Acton Transit (CAT)

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday thru Friday

    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • Where Can I Go?

    Please see the schedule for designated stops and times.

    Download the CAT Schedule

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    Currently FREE

MinuteVan Dial-A-Ride

  • Hours of Operation

    Shuttle Services

    Monday thru Friday

    8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    12:15 PM - 6:15 PM

    Centralized Dispatch

    Monday thru Friday

    8:30 am - 4:00 pm

    Call 978-844-6809 to book your trip. The earlier you book your trip, the more likely you will be able to set your requested time. Trips must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.

    Please note, the shuttle does not run on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day.

  • Where Can I Go?

    The service covers anywhere in Acton, Boxborough, Littleton, Maynard and medical facilities in Concord as well as other select locations. Call 978-844-6809 to see if the service goes to your destination.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    Currently FREE

  • How to Ride

    Request a Ride Online

    Call Dispatch 978-844-6809

    Reservations are made on a first-come first-served basis and must be made 24 hours in advance. Customers are urged to book trips as soon as they know they will need them in order to get their desired time. Trips can be booked up to one month in advance. Children under the age of 12 can ride with an adult, and children 12 to 18 may ride alone with their parent’s permission. A permission packet must be completed before a trip is booked for passengers aged 12 to 18.

The MinuteVan is a shared Dial-A-Ride service intended to safely and efficiently transport as many passengers at a time as possible. It is open to all riders including students 12 and older. MinuteVan Dial-A-Ride service can be used for many purposes including work, medical appointments, shopping, social and recreational reasons depending on the service area. All services are provided with wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Low-Cost Transportation Options for Sudbury, MA

  • Dispatch Hours of Operation

    We are pleased to introduce the CrossTown Connect Dispatch Call Center for the Sudbury Taxi Rides Program. 

    Dispatching hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. Rides must be booked with dispatch at least 24 hours in advance.

    Phone Number: 978-844-6809

  • Sudbury Connection Van Service

    The Sudbury Connection Wheelchair Accessible Van Service, offered in conjunction with the Metro West Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA), will be running five (5) days a week (excluding holidays). Please CLICK HERE for additional information and to see the ride schedule.

    If you would like to register, please contact the Senior Center (or MWRTA) for an application or CLICK HERE to access the application form directly. When your application is approved you will set up a debit account for van fees. Van fees are $1.00 in town; $2.00 for out of town for a one-way ride.

    If you need additional information, please contact Ana Cristina Oliveira, Outreach Specialist, at OliveiraA@sudbury.ma.us or 978-639-3268.

  • Go Sudbury! Uber Rides Program

    The Go Sudbury! Uber Rides Program is a Town-funded, partially subsidized, transportation program provided via Uber to get from one place to another if no other public transportation is available. Grant funding may also help to support the program. Rides are provided for non-urgent healthcare and vaccination appointments, work, shopping, and accessing community resources. 

    Who may use the Go Sudbury! Uber Rides Program?

    You may qualify if you are:

    • A Sudbury resident or

    • A non-Sudbury resident with a child enrolled in Sudbury Public Schools or Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School or

    • A person who works in Sudbury

    And, you also meet one of the following criteria:

    • 60 years of age or older

    • 18 years of age or older with a disability that limits driving

    • Active duty military, Reserves, National Guard, or veteran of the armed forces

    • 18 years of age or older with financial need

    Where can I go and what will I pay?

    • Rides may be within Sudbury and up to 25 miles from Sudbury.

    • All rides must begin or end in Sudbury. 

    • Service is provided to the Logan Express Shuttle in Framingham, but not to Logan Airport. 

    • There is a limit of 20 one-way rides per month per person. 

    The copay for a one-way ride is based on the distance of the ride as follows:

    1. For a ride up to 5 miles, the copay is $3.00.

    2. For a ride between 5 miles and 10 miles, the copay is $5.00 

    3. For a ride longer than 10 miles, the copay is $15.00

    The Uber Rides Program does not provide wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV) at this time.  For rides in a WAV vehicle consider the Sudbury Connection Van service. For medical rides consider the Sudbury Connection Van Service or the Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program.

    How do I sign up for the Uber Rides Program?

    You must have a private account with Uber on your smartphone for this service. An Uber Clinic Technology Support volunteer will assist participants with issues related to downloading and using the Uber application on your smartphone for this program. 

    To register for the Uber Rides program, please complete the application form at the following link:


    For more information or assistance, please contact Ana Cristina Oliveira, Outreach Specialist, Sudbury Senior Center, at OliveiraA@sudbury.ma.us or 978-639-3268

  • Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program

    The Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program is a Town and grant funded transportation program provided with service from two taxi companies.  The service is for all types of medical and health care appointments only, and to be used when there is no other public transportation available. 

    Tommy’s Taxi (Framingham) and JFK Transportation (Natick) provide taxi rides, which are fully covered by the Town of Sudbury, to and from medical related appointments. Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) service is also available. Individuals needing WAV service may use the Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program for other essential purposes as well.

    Who may use the Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program?

    You may qualify if you are:

    • A Sudbury resident or

    • A non-Sudbury resident with a child enrolled in Sudbury Public Schools or Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School or

    • A person who works in Sudbury

    And, you also meet one of the following criteria:

    • 60 years of age or older

    • 18 years of age or older with a disability that limits driving

    • Active duty military, Reserves, National Guard, or veteran of the armed forces

    • 18 years of age or older with financial need

    Where can I go and what will I pay?

    Rides are available within Sudbury and up to 25 miles from Sudbury.  

    All rides must begin or end in Sudbury. 

    There is a limit of 20 one-way rides per month per person.

    Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides are currently fully subsidized, so there is no charge to use the service.  However, cost sharing is expected to be implemented in the near future to sustain the program.

    How will I book a taxi ride?

    The CrossTown Connect Dispatch Call Center arranges rides for the Go Sudbury! Taxi Rides Program as follows:

    • Dispatching hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

    • Rides must be booked with dispatch at least 24 hours in advance of a ride

    • Phone Number: 978-844-6809

    How do I sign up for the Taxi Rides Program?

    In order to register for the Taxi Rides program, please complete the application form at the following link: 


    For more information or assistance, please contact Ana Cristina Oliveira, Outreach Specialist, Sudbury Senior Center, at OliveiraA@sudbury.ma.us or 978-639-3268

As of May 10, 2021, the following low cost transportation options are available to Sudbury residents.
Call Dispatch (978) 844-6809 Register for Go Sudbury! Rides
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